
FuretUI is a client, the goal of the serveur is to give the template to display the UI for the model.

The template waiting by FuretUI is complexe and the anyblok_furetui give the helper to write easily these template.

Define template in blok

The first step is to load the template file:

class ABlok(Blok):

   furetui = {
      'i18n': {
         'en': {dict a translation}
      'templates': [
         'path of the template file relative of the blok',

The extension has no importance, by convention the extension is tmpl for template, and the repository is templates at the root of the blok.

The contenant of the template files is a html:

   <template id="key to identify the template">
         This is a template

The base of the template

Node : template

The attribute of the template are

Attribute’s name Description
id key to identify the template, the key is unique

Key to identify an existing template.

  • Alone this attibute allow to modify an existing template
  • With attribute id, A new new template identify by id is a modified copy of the extended template
rewrite The id of a template is unique and can be reuse directly to create another template or rewrite. This attribute allow to replace an existing template by another one

Node : call

The node call allow to include a template in another template:

   <template id="template2include">
          Template to include
   <template id="The final template">
      <call template="template2include" />

the result will be:

<template id="The final template">
       Template to include

This template can be shared between more than one another template

Node : xpath

This Node works with the attribute extend of the template node. The goal is to modify a curent template with modification given by xpath:

<template extend="key2modify">
   <xpath expression="xpath expression" action="action to do">
      <p>some new node</p>
Attribute Description
expression xpath expression defined by lxml <https://lxml.de/xpathxslt.html#xpath>_
action The action to do, see next table
mult Boolean (default : False), If True All the node will be modified, else only the first
action Description
insert Insert the element in the selected node
insertBefore Insert the element before the selected node
insertAfter Insert the element after the selected node
replace Insert the element at the location of the seleted node
remove Remove the seleted node
attributes Replace some attributes of the selected node

Example of xpath attributes:

<template extend="...">
    <xpath expresion="..." action="attributes">
        <attribute key="value"/>
        <attribute foo="bar"/>

Node : field

This node is particulare, because it is used by the resource representation, the attribute depend of the resource type

Template : List

Example of list resource:

<template id="...">
   <field name="name" sortable/>
   <field name="date" />
   <field name="state" />

field attributes

This attributes are used by all the field widgets

attribute Description
name Required, name of the field to display
sortable The field is sortable, in the case of the relationship the value can be a string “field name.sub field name”
label Label to display in column header
widget Type of field to display, by default is the type of the field
tooltip Tooltip for the column
width the column size
hidden Can be evaluate, if True the the column will not be displaied
column-can-be-hidden The column can be hidden, an option is shown at the top of the list
hidden-column works with column-can-be-hidden, this attribute give a default value to hide or display column


The display of the field can modified:

<field name="...">
   <strong>The value is : </strong>{{ value }}

We also use another field in the slot:

<field name="title" hidden />
<field name="name">
   {{ fields.title }} => {{ value }}


{{ fields.name }} is different of {{ value }}, because value is a converted version of the field

Widget : BarCode

Works with vue-barcode all the options can be used with a prefix barecode-

Widget : Many2One, One2One, One2Many, Many2Many

It is the option for all widget’s type relationship

attribute Description
display Defined the field of the relationship to display
no-link If True, FuretUI will be no link to display a resource
menu AnyBlok.IO.Mapping key of the menu to select
resource AnyBlok.IO.Mapping key of the resource to select


the slot get the capability to display relationship fields with key word relation:

<field name="address">
   <p>{{ relation.firstname }} {{ relation.lastname }}</p>
   <p>{{ relation.street }}</p>
   <p>{{ relation.zip }} {{ relation.city }}</p>

Widget : Selection

attribute Description
colors json dict value to defined color for the values

Widget : StatusBar

attribute Description
done-states json list of the state will display as final
dangerous-states json list of the states, they are hidden, but if it is the current value, the value will be displaied with danger css class

Case of the buttons

   <button ..../>

Added buttons on the top of the list

attribute Description
call exposed method name on the model of the resource
open-resource AnyBlok.IO.Mapping key of the resource to select

Template : Form, Thumbnail

Example of the form resource:

<template id="...">
   <p><field name="name" /></p>
   <p><field name="date" /></p>
   <p><field name="state" /></p>

field attributes

This attributes are used by all the field widgets

attribute Description
name Required, name of the field to display
label Label to display in column header
widget Type of field to display, by default is the type of the field
tooltip Tooltip for the column
hidden Can be evaluate, if True the the column will not be displaied
writable Can be evaluate, if True the the column will be writable
readonly Can be evaluate, if True the the column will be readonly
required Can be evaluate, if True the the column have to be filled


The display of the field can modified:

<field name="...">
   <strong>The value is : </strong>{{ value }}

We also use another field in the slot:

<field name="title" hidden />
<field name="name">
   {{ fields.title }} => {{ value }}

Widget : String

attribute Description
placeholder The placeholder of the input
icon The icon to display in the field

Widget : Sequence

attribute Description
placeholder The placeholder of the input
icon The icon to display in the field


The field is always readonly

Widget : Password

attribute Description
placeholder The placeholder of the input
icon The icon to display in the field
reveal boolean, if True (default) the password can be reveal

Widget : BarCode

attribute Description
placeholder The placeholder of the input
icon The icon to display in the field

Works with vue-barcode all the options can be used with a prefix barecode-

Widget : Integer

attribute Description
min min avalaible value
max max avalaible value